
Google Wave

Well I've got me a Google Wave account courtesy of my old work colleague and friend,  Matt Fitchett. Thanks Matt if you're reading this. It looks like it could be a lot of fun and very powerful but not until you have a worthwhile set of contacts, which frankly I don't. Don't get me wrong, me and Matt have lots to talk about :o) but it'd be good to share the fun around with a wider set of people. Matt seems to get invites that he can send out from time to time, so if I get the same I shall surely pass them on to my friends and family. I've not worked out too much of the good stuff as yet but I like the idea of a single wave between friends rather than sending an email to loads of people and trying to keep track of all the "Reply to Alls" that clutter up your Inbox. The collaborative nature of a Wave seems really sensible. I'm interested to see what happens with this product as more and more people get connected to it. I feel that the power is in the ability to have a wide network of contacts to collaborate with. Anyone else got a Google Wave account?


  1. Cheers Pete, I suppose if I ask a stupid question ......

    I was kind of hoping to engage with Google Wave enthusiasts who are keen to share either their experience of using the product or their frustration at not yet being a Wave user.
