
Spotify Premium

I've done it. I took the plunge and paid my £9.99 for my first month of Spotify Premium. Yes the adverts have all gone and yes I have a little more choice of music plus early availability of new releases. But that's minor compared to the wonderful iPhone App. I have set up 15 or 20 "offline" albums on my iPhone bringing me loads of great new material all legal and proper. The quality is great, the application is great and well....frankly...the price is great too. For about the cost of 1 CD album per month I can listen to more or less whatever I choose on my iPhone and it's all legal. I also plug my iPhone into its "Dock" and connect it to my stereo at home so that I get great quality music pumping from my big speakers. Also been for a few runs recently using my iPhone as an iPod and enjoying the great music of Spotify. Everyone should invest as it's a great way to listen to legal music advert free and portable.

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