
The Poem of the Poppy

Back in October I posted one of my daughter's poems. Here's another one that she wrote for Remembrance Day. Once again it just blows me away. How she can evoke such emotion and capture such poignancy whilst still so young astounds me. Anyway, enjoy it.

The Poem of the Poppy

You sacrificed your life for me
for I am the blood red and black poppy.
I dance upon the graves of so many lost men.
My friends join me in this scarlet cemetery.
Day after day I see never ending landscape and the cities of grass
But always in front of my eyes are the memories,
memories of the war that come to haunt me.
I see so many men as they fall to their death, everywhere.
The terrible screaming, even as I cover my ears ~
all penetrate my leafy hands and I hear it louder and louder than ever.
The taste of bitter blood, falls to my mouth
but I can't run and hide from this nightmare.
Now it's just a memory, still vivid, but a memory
You sacrificed your life for me
for I am the blood red and black poppy.
I dance upon the graves of so many lost men,
my friends join me in this scarlet cemetery.

by Katy Jenkinson
(my daughter, Aged 10)

Am I proud of her? You bet I am. Incredible stuff!


ZooStorm Desktop PC - Problem Resolved

Folks, on June 22nd I posted a blog entry about this product that I'd just bought. http://www.ebuyer.com/product/161642. Well since then I have had an intermittent problem with the computer powering off randomly. I started running a tech support incident with ZooStorm to try and get to the bottom of it. They recommended running the "Memory Diagnostic Tool" in Extended mode to see if I had bad or failing memory. Each time I tried this the computer powered off after about 15% of the test. They then advised me to open up the unit and re-seat the memory DIMMs. I opened up the computer to do this and went ahead with the task. However I also noticed that the CPU cooling fan was not plugged in to the motherboard. Now this was surely not good. Had they simply forgotten to plug it in? Did it snag the first time the fan spun up and unplugged itself? or did I accidentally unplug it whilst re-seating the memory. I favour option 1. They forgot to plug it in. When I reviewed all of the evidence it certainly looked like a thermal shutdown problem. Anyway it's been a week since I plugged in the fan and I've not had a single problem since doing this. I had been getting 3 or 4 power off's every day before this so I'm sure it was always an overheating problem. If anyone else has strange power off problems open up your computer and check the power cable for the CPU fan. I really like this computer. It looks good and when working correctly performs really well. It's fast which considering it's running Vista is saying something. I have no real reason to upgrade to Windows 7 as apart from a few cosmetic improvements none of the other innovations seem to be of significant benefit to me (well not in my capacity as a home user anyway).

Parrot MKi9200 Car Kit

Hi there good people of the Internet. I have great news to share with you all. For some time now I have been getting along very nicely with a VW iPod kit in my VW Passat to use with my good old trusty 4th Gen iPod. However since Spotify came out for the iPhone and I signed up for Spotify Premium I have been wanting to play my Spotify music in the car. But how? What would be the best way? As soon as you plug a dock connector into your iPhone it only wants to use the native "iPod" app. I needed another way. A method that used no cables. And then I discovered the Parrot MKi9200. What a beauty!!  Let me tell you what it can do for me. First of all it's a wonderful bluetooth car kit that sync's my iPhone contacts list so that I can call people easily and receive calls. Nothing that clever there really but I've never had a car kit before so I find it exciting. Anyway I can also use voice tags to call, reject incoming calls or hang up. My iPhone 3G does not have this function. Then I can do bluetooth media streaming so I can choose to use the iPod app or the Spotify app from my iPhone. Both work great. Additionally I could put music on an SD card and insert that into the display screen. The device also has a cable in the glove box with 3 adapters on it. One is an iPhone connector so that when I'm using the iPod app I have full control over its features from the MKi9200. Album artwork, picking the music I want, track skipping, volume etc. Or I could use the standard headphone jack adapter to plug in any MP3 player that is not clever enough to have bluetooth or I could use the USB adapter and plug a USB memory stick in that happens to have a bunch of music on it. So any music listening option is possible really. The device also has themes and other customisations to personalise it. I'm well suited. It's perfect. I bought mine from Halfords which whilst far from the cheapest place to buy it was very convenient and they fitted the device for free. If, like me, you love to have your music in the car and want a device that makes that very simple whilst providing a great range of methods for listening you can't go wrong with the MKi9200. Buy one today!! Treat yourself for Christmas. That's what I did.


Google Wave

Well I've got me a Google Wave account courtesy of my old work colleague and friend,  Matt Fitchett. Thanks Matt if you're reading this. It looks like it could be a lot of fun and very powerful but not until you have a worthwhile set of contacts, which frankly I don't. Don't get me wrong, me and Matt have lots to talk about :o) but it'd be good to share the fun around with a wider set of people. Matt seems to get invites that he can send out from time to time, so if I get the same I shall surely pass them on to my friends and family. I've not worked out too much of the good stuff as yet but I like the idea of a single wave between friends rather than sending an email to loads of people and trying to keep track of all the "Reply to Alls" that clutter up your Inbox. The collaborative nature of a Wave seems really sensible. I'm interested to see what happens with this product as more and more people get connected to it. I feel that the power is in the ability to have a wide network of contacts to collaborate with. Anyone else got a Google Wave account?


Meeting Newton Faulkner

Well what can I say? I met Newton Faulkner today. He came to our office to play a few tunes. He's a really nice bloke. Very friendly. Very talented. His guitar playing is just astounding. He played a beautiful version of Teardrop, a great version of Dream Catch Me and a few tunes off his new album. He signed my album and as you can see he posed for a photo with me. What a good lad!


4.5 mile fast run

I went for a 4.5 mile run at lunch time today with my work mate James. I normally do 6 miles but decided that if we were only going to do 4.5 miles that I would try and go a bit faster. It took me about 33:30. This was an average of 7:26 mins\mile. Not too bad at all for me. My fastest over that distance so far. However I now have a nasty chest pain. It feels like a muscle strain, but in my chest? How would that have happened? Weird.


Forthcoming Gigs

Off to see "The Unthanks" on wednesday night at the Junction in Cambridge with my lovely wife. It'll be quite a low key affair. It's in Junction 2 which is a really small all-seater venue. Very intimate. Well suited to a band such as the Unthanks with their lovely lilting folky voices. Not exactly a rock gig by any stretch. Anyway on friday night (Oct 23rd) I'm off to the Cambridge Corn Exchange. Once again with my lovely wife and this time to see Newton Faulkner. We saw him last year (or thereabouts) and it was a fantastic gig. Great atmosphere and Newton was fully engaging the crowd in his banter. Hopefully this year the gig will be equally fantastic. I'm not that familiar with his new album as yet but the wonderful Spotify App is helping me out there (see my previous post for more details!). From first listen there seems to be less genius guitar work and guitar body slapping cleverness. I'll report back after the gig to confirm that.

Spotify Premium

I've done it. I took the plunge and paid my £9.99 for my first month of Spotify Premium. Yes the adverts have all gone and yes I have a little more choice of music plus early availability of new releases. But that's minor compared to the wonderful iPhone App. I have set up 15 or 20 "offline" albums on my iPhone bringing me loads of great new material all legal and proper. The quality is great, the application is great and well....frankly...the price is great too. For about the cost of 1 CD album per month I can listen to more or less whatever I choose on my iPhone and it's all legal. I also plug my iPhone into its "Dock" and connect it to my stereo at home so that I get great quality music pumping from my big speakers. Also been for a few runs recently using my iPhone as an iPod and enjoying the great music of Spotify. Everyone should invest as it's a great way to listen to legal music advert free and portable.

My Daughter's Amazing Poem

I have to post this as I'm just blown away by how good it is. My daughter wrote this poem inspired by a small sheltered cove\beach we went to on holiday in Devon. If you saw the place you would see how much this poem brings it to life. She had no help with this. Frankly I lack the talent to come up with anything half as good as this anyway. Here it is....

The Empty Beach

Far away, as if in my dreams,
there is a secret place I know
A mysterious place, a secret place
a sandy beach by a rocky face

A little cove, so far away,
that I visited on a sunny day
The sand was shiny with coloured stones
The boats so tiny on the sea's blue tones

The little cove, a happy beach
Where magic seems to be in reach
And when you have to leave it soon
It's night, stars light up and so does the moon

Did I say that she's only 10? It literally chokes me up when I read it. Such powerful emotions well up inside me. I'm a very proud Dad!

Neglecting the Blog

I guess after initial enthusiasm I have started neglecting my blog. It's partly cos I'm so very busy at work at the moment pushing hard to deliver a project, but also I never wanted to just post any old nonsense just for the sake of it. Maybe I've been too hard on myself of late in terms of what I constitute as worthy news that I have failed to post anything. I'm gonna try and get back into posting things, even if they're just brief comments about what is going on or what I'm into at present. Watch this space....


Great North Run 2009 - It's over!

The race is done. Wow!! How hard was that? The day started badly for me. I woke up with such a sore lower back that I could hardly walk and couldn't bend properly. Many pain killers later and following a small amount of breakfast (forced down!) I still couldn't walk properly and was almost crying with the pain in my back. I had to hobble to the start just hoping that the sunshine and the painkillers would help my back to loosen up. I was clearly tense and nervous. I tried to do some stretches when Mr Motivator was warming the runners up prior to race start. That didn't work too well. Then I spotted my shoe lace was untied and struggled like crazy to bend down to re-tie it. Anyway as the race started I was so far back and in such a big crowd that I didn't move for a few mins. We then started a slow walk which became a faster walk, then a very slow jog and finally we reached the *start* line. Yes the START line!!. Then I was off and running properly and amazed to find that my back pain was not hurting half as much as I expected it to. As my blood started pumping and my body temperature rose the back pain eased more and more. I started to feel good and think things were going well........then I tripped over a kerb edge and fell quite hard onto my upper back. Suffice to say it is very scratched and bruised as was my hip, my elbow and my ankle. Oh dear!!. Amazingly this kick started my adrenalin and I bounded back onto my feet and started running far too fast. I realised my pace was too fast as I was wearing my sports GPS watch, so I slowed down. The next few miles were not too noteworthy except to say that the course was like one big uphill stretch. The heat was intense and the mass of runners made finding an even pace\rhythm very difficult. After 10 miles I was spent. My body was struggling to keep going. By 11 miles we reached a big hill and every ounce of me wanted to stop and walk but that wasn't part of the plan. Instead I resigned myself to not setting the time I had hoped for and just kept shuffling along in a slow run. We crested the hill and saw the sea. It felt like the end was in sight. A difficult run down a steep hill to the sea front at South Shields followed. My calves threatened to cramp up but somehow didn't. The last 1000M was really tiring but the crowd was massive and the cheering really lifted my spirits. I managed to grind out the last stretch and came home in 2 hrs and 4 mins. Not bad but I so wanted to do 1 hr 55 mins or less. My worst case scenario was that I would just scrape under 2 hours but alas I missed that goal. Maybe next year!!. Straight after the race if you'd asked me "Will you do it again?" I would have said no way!! But within an hour or two I was already planning next years race and thinking about my training plan to ensure I smash my time from this year. But as for my marathon aspirations they are well and truly shelved for now at least. 26 miles seems like a step too far. I run for pleasure and relaxation not for sado-masochistic reasons. I think stepping up my training to plan for a mammoth 26 miler would take the fun out of something I really enjoy. I'd never say never!!


Another Run, Another Bike Ride

I went for a run at lunch time today to see how the groin strain is holding up. I managed a 4.5 mile circuit at 7 mins 54 secs per mile pace. Not too bad. My leg feels a bit sore though. Hopefully they will be ok by tomorrow. Also went for a vigorous 22 mile bike ride yesterday. It started well. For the first 20 mins I was doing 25 mph flying down the A10 feeling great. It was only later I realised that I had benefited from a good tail wind. After a few more miles I got to the bad news. I had a 6.5 mile slog into a ridiculously strong head wind across the fens with absolutely no protection from hedges or whatever. Nightmare!!. I felt like I was actually moving backwards. Anyway by the end of the ride I had averaged 18.8mph over the 22 miles. I'll take that for now but I'd like to be able to sustain a 20+ mph average in the future. It's all good fun and good exercise. Counting the days to the Great North Run now. 19 days to go.....GULP!!!

Spotify on the iPhone

The iTunes App Store has finally approved the Spotify App for the iPhone so anytime soon it should be downloadable from the UK iTunes store. The app will be free but you will need a Premium Spotify account to access the music. £9.99 per month. Now that sounds expensive until you consider that it's really only the cost of 1 music CD per month and for that you get to listen to bucketloads of music of your own choosing. If that was the end of the story that still wouldn't sound too great but this talk of an "offline" mode so that you can download tracks to your Spotify App and play them without a network connection of any sort (not 3G, not Wi-Fi etc) suddenly sounds much more appealing. It sounds like you can listen to whatever you want, whenever you want from your iPhone. It's now sounding just like a portable MP3 player. Am I right? Have I missed something? Is this the future of paying for music? Pay a 'once a month' fee and download whatever you like? If so I like it! Please discuss......


Cycling into a strong headwind

So I cycled to work today, ladies and gentlemen, in my lovely new cycling bib shorts, my US Postal Team cycling Jersey and my lovely clip in racing shoes feeling very much the true professional. However after about 0.5 mile I became very aware that the wind was very strongly blowing back in my face (this seemed to persist for more or less the whole journey) and, perhaps not suprisingly, this makes the task of cycling very much harder. Suffice to say I was knackered in no time and could not sustain a very good average speed. It was embarrassing to be wearing all of the flash gear and yet cycling at the speed of an old woman out for a gentle mooch on her push bike on a Sunday morning. Let's hope the journey home has a wonderful tail wind so that I can feel like Lance Armstrong instead. Here's hoping!!


The Great North Run is nearly here

You may recall my blog posting from back in June where I tried to encourage you, the good people of the Internet, to sponsor me for the Great North Run. Just to recap the link you need is http://www.runningsponsorme.org/davidjenkinson. Anyway in just over 3 weeks I'll be lining up on the starting line with 50,000 fellow runners but I need more sponsorship to reach my target. Please help. Any amount would be great. It's all for Cancer Research. An admirable charity if ever there was one.

Holidays in Devon

Well I've nearly been back at work for a week now since returning from a 2 week break in Devon with my family. We had a great time. I love Devon. It's very beautiful and I enjoy the rolling hills. Living in Cambridge (as I do!) the landscape is very flat and bland. Fen land as far as the eye can see. But Devon with its hills, rivers, coastal scenes and so forth is a joy. My kids absolutely loved the place and want us to move down there permanently. It's not going to happen. I can't see myself as a farmer, boatman, fisherman or the like and what else do you do for work in Devon? But the clean sea air and wonderful walks, runs, cycle rides are amazing. Hmmmm!! .......... What did we do? ....thanks for asking!! We did quite a bit of crabbing and caught loads of the little critters. We enjoyed Dartmouth castle, Greenway (the former home of Agatha Christie), beautiful villages like Dittisham and Stoke Gabriel, a lovely day at Coleton Fishacre, boat trips on the Dart, Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway (powered by water) and so much more. Actually I think they were the main highlights but anyway I throughly enjoyed myself and came back very well rested and relaxed.

A New Blog Template

Decided to try out a new template for my blog. Was getting bored of the black theme. Not sure if this is better. Comments please?


20 is Plenty

So I got caught speeding. I was doing 37mph in a 30 zone. Why? Because I was reprimanding my son for mucking about with his new Bionicle set in the car after I'd told him not to, instead of watching my speed. Nearly 20 years of motoring and I've never had a speeding offence before. Arrgh!! Anyway as it was deemed to be a minor offence I was offered a DriveTech Safety Awareness Course instead of getting 3 points. The course cost 60 quid which was the same as the fine would have been. I decided it was preferable to take the 4 hour course and be told about driving safely and the dangers of excessive speed rather than taking the points and watching my insurance premiums increase. I've now done the course. I went straight from work on tuesday 5pm til 9pm. And what did I learn, you may be asking? Well I learnt that:
1) 20 is plenty - catchy huh?
2) Drive in 3rd gear when in 30 zones rather than 4th or higher. The car's desire to go over 30mph is hugely curtailed in this gear.
3) If you see street lamps and no other speed zone signs then it's 30mph.
4) If you don't see any street lamps or speed zone signs and you're not on a dual carriageway or motorway, it's 60mph.
5) A dual carriageway may only have 1 lane in each direction. It is defined by having a central reservation. Without one it is a single lane carriageway even if it has more than one lane in each direction.
6) If in doubt as to whether it's a dual or single lane carriageway consider the ball test. Could you roll a ball from kerb to kerb without hitting anything? If so it's a single. If not it's a double.
7) "Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule". Remember this people. Say it to yourself to ensure you keep a safe distance behind the car in front.
8) 40mph and 50mph zones didn't exist until relatively recently (can't remember the exact date but we were told). Anyway this means that no zone would be a 40 or a 50 unless there are clear speed signs as you enter these zones. If you happened to turn from a side road into a 40 or 50 zone you would spot the repeater signs along the route confirming the speed limit.
9) If at 30mph you slammed on the brakes and stopped just short of hitting an object then at 32mph you would hit that object at 11mph. At 35mph you would hit it at 18mph and at 40mph you would hit it at 26mph and probably if that was a person they would die. Makes you think doesn't it. Even small speed increases can make a massive difference.

So I have found myself sticking religiously to the speed limit since the course. In that sense it was very worthwhile. Will I sustain it? ... I honestly don't know. Does it sometimes feel embarrassing when you can tell from your mirrors that the car behind is hating you for being such a stickler for the speed limit? Yes it can do, but what's worse? feeling obliged to speed up and then potentially hitting and killing someone that would have lived if you'd been at or under the speed limit? You decide!!


London to Cambridge Cycle Ride

On Sunday July 26th I took part in the London to Cambridge Cycle ride. Just under 60 miles of cycling all for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. A fine cause. I had to cycle 5 miles to get to the transport to take me and my bike to London. I then did the cycle ride and finally cycled home after the event. All told I did 68.5 miles in a little over 4 hours. That included 3 stops to put my chain back on. Aarrggh!! I was having gear changing issues. Anyway a great day. I've never cycled anything like that distance before but it was really enjoyable and I was pleased that my legs held up really well. I guess the difference between running and cycling is that you have spells on the bike where you can freewheel down hills and get your heart rate back under control ready for the next hill climb. I'm definitely up for doing it again next year and will also look out for other charity bike rides before then. I entered the race as part of a group of people from my work (although the event had nothing to do with my employment or my employer) and between us we raised just shy of £700.


Michael McIntyre Gig

My wife and I went to see the very funny comedian Michael McIntyre on monday July 20th. It was excellent. He always makes great observations that manage to be very funny without having to vindictively poke fun at anyone. It's great feel good comedy with no malice. I love it! Bizarrely despite his huge rise to popularity I still find some people saying "Michael McIntyre?.....who's he?......what does he look like?" hence the inclusion of the picture.


Growing up Too Fast

Blimey there I was sitting having my breakfast this morning when my 10 year old daughter asked me if she could have a mobile phone as her friends all had them and it was embarrassing for her to admit to them that she didn't have one. Evidently they can be purchased from as little as £10 for a PAYG phone. She has been saving her money and said she would buy her own phone provided I said it was ok. Well put like that how could I refuse? So as we were going to town anyway we popped into Phones 4 U and picked up a nice little Nokia 1661 on Orange for £15. I added £10 credit for her. Hey I'm all heart! I was quite amazed at how good the phone is for so little money and my daughter is delighted with it. So I suppose all is well in the world. I just can't believe that my little 10 year old now has a mobile phone. It all seems so grown up to me and strangely makes me feel old. Oh well, as long as she's happy.

Tour De France 2009

Anybody else watching the Tour De France? It's great. Technology makes it so easy to stay on top of the latest action as it's happening. ITV have a great Twitter feed @itvtdf. The official TDF web site at http://www.letour.fr is also great providing up to the minute updates during the stages. I just read Lance Armstrongs 2 autobiographies which has given me a real interest in the Tour. It's great that this year he has made a return to the sport having retired in 2005 after his 7th straight TdF victory. He's looking fantastic in any terms but considering he's 37 now (38 this year) and has been out of professional cycling for 3.5 years it's all the more remarkable. He's riding for team Astana and in fierce competition with his own Astana team mates for the title. The big question is will Lance win? or Alberto Contador? or Levi Leipheimer? or will someone from outside team Astana win? Bradley Wiggins is looking fantastic for Garmin Slipstream. He's in 5th place after Stage 8 and looks like he can handle the mountains. I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks to see how it all plays out.

6 mile run

I ran 6 miles yesterday in my fastest time since getting back into running. It took me 46'08" That's 7 mins 41 per mile average. It felt great too. Had it not been for the re-occurence of my groin strain pain I could have gone faster. For the rest of the day and today my left leg is wrecked. The groin pain is so bad I can't walk on my leg very well. Oh dear. The price of getting fit. I'll have to switch to cycling for a while and see if my groin strain problem completely heals up. I guess I might have to see a physio or doc if the pain keeps coming back.


Firefox Add-Ons

I just upgraded to Firefox 3.5 and installed a bunch of add-ons for it. One of them is enabling me to quickly add this post to my blog. It's called "Shareaholic". It's great for updating loads of different social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. I also installed FoxyTunes which enables me to control my media player from a discreet bar at the foot of my web browser. FoxyTunes has a thing called Twitty Tunes which means I can quickly Tweet what I am listening to and it also posts a link to more info about that artist. Finally I installed TwitterFox which is a great little Twitter client integrated into Firefox. Check 'em out good people of the Internet!

More Running & Some Cycling

I have to say that running in this baking heat is a totally different prospect. I'm finding it hard to run more than about 8.5 miles at present. I sweat so much when I'm out that I feel totally sapped of energy after about 6.5 miles and the last 2 miles are tough. I think my fitness is ok but my body needs better fuel whilst out running to combat the extreme sweating. Anyway it's still good to be out and about getting fit and de-stressing. Also been enjoying the new bike. It's great. I haven't had a bike with nice thin road tyres for many years and the difference from a mountain bike whilst chugging along the tarmac is noticeable. I can carry much better speed with less effort. Cycling to work has been a joy these past few days. Even the hot weather is not so bad because the breeze I get from travelling fast on the bike cools me down. I would definitely advocate a faster cadence in an easier gear to give longevity to your cycle rides and minimise lactic build up and "burn" in the legs. It's taken me years to realise it so hopefully I can save others the grief of years spent cycling around in your top gear wondering why your legs start to burn so quickly.


New bike - Cycle to Work Scheme

I love these Cycle to Work schemes. To supplement my running I've been wanting a new road bike but they can be quite expensive. However the government cycle to work scheme means that 40% tax payers end up paying about half price for a new bike so I've ordered one of these. Boardman Performance Hybrid Bike Comp Large 09. Follow this link for more info (not sure how long it will work for) http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_502557_langId_-1_categoryId_165534.
I'll pick it up on monday and then start cycling to work on it. Also gonna use it for the London to Cambridge charity bike ride (see my posting further down).


30 Twitter Tools For Managing Followers

Found this article via somebody else's Tweet.
I take no credit for it but it looks useful if you are a Twitter user. Sticking it on my blog will help me remember how to find the article. I haven't actually checked out any of the tools as yet.


Doodle Jump iPhone Game

Wow! What a cool game. It looks fairly rubbish but it's certainly got a strangely addictive quality. As soon as a game is over you just have to try again to beat your score. It seems so easy that you feel that you could keep going forever but then you mess up and start over. Every time I pick it up for a couple of quick games I find myself "wasting" 20 minutes. Hehe!! Such fun. Download it now and pay the 59p. It's well worth it.

Zoostorm Desktop PC

Following my "Home PC is Dead" posting I bought myself one of these. http://www.ebuyer.com/product/161642. It's a great machine (so far) but a couple of words of warning for the less IT savvy buyers out there. If you get one of these one of the supplied quick start docs states that you must use the DVI port on the graphics card and ignore the DSub VGA port on the motherboard. They're not lying. The VGA port will not work at all. So if like me you don't have a DVI cable, go out and buy one now or you're stuffed before you get started. Secondly the docs also say that you must complete the initial set up the very first time you turn the PC on or you will be left with a non-functioning PC. Again, they do not lie as I found out the hard way. The PC keeps booting into a Windows error message and your only option is to reboot but of course that just returns you to the same error message.

So what do you do? Well you'll need a Vista Recovery disk. I didn't have one but managed to find a torrent to get to a recovery ISO which I was able to burn to a CD from another PC. Here's the link to get to the torrent. http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/. Once I booted from the Vista Recovery disk I elected to get into a command prompt window. From here I found that my PC had a C: D: and X: drive. The D: drive had an os.wim image file which was a pre-canned Vista image for the PC. I found a "restore" script which called various other CMD files. To cut a long story short I only actually needed 2 commands to reset everything. One blew away the C:\windows folder. The second reimaged the C: drive using the os.wim file. Once that was complete I was able to reboot and it was as if I was turning the PC on for the first time. If you need the exact commands or more advice please post a comment and I can give you even more precise details.

Anyway once I'd got over those initial challenges the PC has been working like a dream and is very fast. I'm happy with it based on working on it extensively over the weekend configuring it with all my software, tools and windows updates.



Once again good people of the Internet I bring you a cool sound utility. Check it out here. Lots of fun to be had. http://lab.andre-michelle.com/tonematrix. It's a simple sinewave synthesizer triggered by an ordinary 16step sequencer. Enjoy!


Best 40 Features of iPhone 3.0

Just found this interesting article. Enjoy! http://www.ismashphone.com/2009/06/how_to_use_best_40_features_of_iphone_3.html

Home PC is dead!

And as if my evening wasn't frustrating enough my home PC has died a death. It's quite old and has been dodgy for a while but as of today it hangs during boot up with no error messages. I can't even google the problem without errors. I've tried the usual stuff, safe mode, last known good start, etc but to no avail. I tried the recovery console and that was useless. I've done a chkdsk /R for good measure but nothing. So I tried a reinstall of the O\S over the top of the old version and now my computer keeps crashing with the blue screen of death. It's just not my day. Oh well!

Denied! iPhone O\S 3.0

Was it a dumb idea for Apple to release their new O\S for the iPhone at the same time across the world? .......... YES!! The inevitable seems to have happened and Apple's Activation server seems to have crashed presumably due to extreme demand. Here's the message you get (with the name of my iPhone removed - you never know!!) I guess I'll be waiting a while longer for the upgrade then. It took ages to download the 230MB update.

Honour Amongst Bloggers!

Hello good people of the Internet. My brother has just set up a blog and as he "bigged up" my blog I feel it only fair to reciprocate. His blog can be found here http://richardjenkinson.blogspot.com/. Not much to read as yet but hopefully he'll be getting more stuff up there real soon. One thing you will find is a family photo of the two of us from when I was about 2, therefore he'd be about 3 and a half. Enjoy!


SQL Plan Management in Oracle 11g

Okay here's a more professional posting. As an Oracle DBA I have often experienced situations where stored procs suddenly become very slow. They've switched to a sub-optimal execution plan. Often it's because the Stats have changed on the objects referred to by the SQL. But how do you stop this happening without having to use hints or worse without having to stop gathering stats (you really wouldn't want to do that). Well I'd try to tell you myself but why bother when Arup Nanda has written such a useful article on a solution to this problem in the Mar\Apr edition of Oracle Magazine. The answer is to use SQL Plan Management if you have Oracle 11g. Here's the link to his article: http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/09-mar/o29spm.html

Great North Run 2009

While I'm on the subject of fund raising I'm also participating in the Great North Run this year. It'll be my first half marathon and takes place on September 20th. The charity is Cancer Research and your donations would be massively appreciated. Here is my fund raising page: http://www.runningsponsorme.org/davidjenkinson.
I think we've all lost someone to Cancer so I'm very proud to support this charity in the hope that one day Cancer will be 100% curable for all. I'll re-post this message nearer the time. By then hopefully more people will be reading my blog and may be kind enough to sponsor me. Any amount would be appreciated. It all adds up and will make a difference.

London to Cambridge Charity Bike Ride

It's a shame that my blog is so new that people probably aren't reading it yet. However I'm taking part in the London to Cambridge Bike Ride to raise money for "Breakthrough Breast Cancer". Here's the link to a Just Giving page in case you would be so kind as to sponsor me (and my colleagues). http://www.justgiving.com/playdotcombikenutters


Just been for my tuesday lunch time run with my running buddy James. We did 5 miles at (what is for me) a good pace. It took 37:56 which for those that care is 7 mins 35secs per mile. It's my current PB. That'll do nicely. Anybody else out there wish to discuss running with me?

Linked In

Who uses this? I'm on it but to be honest I don't really use it. Who can advise how to make Linked In work for you? How do I derive value from it. Dunno if there is an easier way to provide a URL to yourself on Linked In but this is mine hopefully....



I've decided in the last 10 minutes to ditch Facebook in favour of this blog and also a more focussed list of people to Follow on Twitter. I'm gonna mix business and pleasure on Twitter and follow clever people working in the same field as me to see what I can learn. However I'll still post non-work related content on Twitter. I'm "TexasDavey" on Twitter for those that care. It's early days for my blog and the only person reading it at present is my trusty and reliable bro. God bless you mate. Spread the word. Let's get some juicy discussions going.

Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly

Oh yeah I meant to say, I was listening to my iPod in the car tonight on the way home and I happened upon the "Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly" album from a few years back. It was sounding great. If you have spotify here's the URI for the album. "spotify:album:6pbu958qTzgT1isULmoqrK"

Ball Pilates

I did my Ball Pilates class today. Oooh blimey it was painful. It's been a few weeks since the last class and my stomach muscles were screaming by the end of it. Mind you it's doing me good. My running has really benefited from having much improved core strength due to the Pilates. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Facebook Backlash

So I'm thinking of giving Facebook a rest. I only use it to track pointless status updates from my "friends". Occassionally someone says something worthwhile or inspirational but otherwise it's just garbage. I'm just as bad as everyone else. But I think it's time for a rest. I may suspend my account unless I can think of a good reason to retain it. Ideas please?

iPhone again

While I remember I'm looking forward to the new O\S coming out on wednesday for the iPhone. I'll be getting it for my original iPhone 3G. How significant will the "S" be on the new 3GS. Will it really be much more speedy? Who knows? Time will tell when I ask my friends who are buying one.

iPhone Games

Hello people. I just downloaded "Flight Control" from the App store. Cool game. I'm not great at it yet but it does have a strange addiction to it. Not sure what the longevity will be like. I usually end up getting bored and switching back to the best £2.99 I ever spent on an iPhone game - Texas Hold'em Poker. Genius!! I love it!!

Trying out Blogging

Hey, I've never done this before. What will blogging mean to me? Anything at all? Who can read this? who cares what I say? Is this heavyweight Tweeting (as per Twitter)? Any advice from bloggers out there? How should I use this for maximum value?