
Firefox Add-Ons

I just upgraded to Firefox 3.5 and installed a bunch of add-ons for it. One of them is enabling me to quickly add this post to my blog. It's called "Shareaholic". It's great for updating loads of different social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. I also installed FoxyTunes which enables me to control my media player from a discreet bar at the foot of my web browser. FoxyTunes has a thing called Twitty Tunes which means I can quickly Tweet what I am listening to and it also posts a link to more info about that artist. Finally I installed TwitterFox which is a great little Twitter client integrated into Firefox. Check 'em out good people of the Internet!


  1. So I thought i'd try Shareaholic with Safari (My browser of choice) and found that it is just not as intuitive as the Firefox version (it was clearly written for Firefox then transcribed for the other browsers!) It hasn't got all the links of the Firefox version i.e. Blogspot (the one I'd be most interested in) isn't available - it does do Facebook and Twitter nicely but I can update Facebook via Twitter anyway. Might try out Firefox after all!!!
